Disclaimer: These are works of fan-fiction created for entertainment. It is not the intention of the author to infringe on anyone's copyright. No rights infringement intended.
Warning: For General Audience

The Sharpe Fan Fictions of Paul Kaster

Bernard Cornwell’s


Richard Sharpe and the
Expedition for Manila

Novel by Paul Kaster
Based on Characters created by Bernard Cornwell.


1797 Richard Sharpe has traveled to India with the 33rd foot. It is barely six months since they arrived. They are now on board ships again for an expedition to seize Manila from the Spanish. At Prince of Wales Island (Penang) their commander Arthur Wesley gets to know his regiment as he prepares them to capture Manila.

Sharpe must deal with life aboard ship, Sergeant Hakeswill, the trials of the island when they train and what he learns about being a soldier. Hakeswill doesn’t like Sharpe since England. Sharpe’s section of the company supports him against Hakeswill because they know that he covered for private Palin, one of their own, and took his punishment. Sharpe builds relationships with Ensign Fitzgerald and Corporal Green.

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