Sharpe Tales General Audience Fan Fiction Library

WARNING: Rated PG-13.

Warning: The following pages are rated PG-13, due to strong language and violence. Parental Guidance is recommended.

Sharpe Tales, including but not limited to, its officers, Internet providers, owners, creators, employees or any affiliate company, are not liable for, including but not limited to, any claims, liability, losses, costs, damages, or expenses (including attorney's fees) arising from any use of or participation in this service or the information contained therein.

The following stories may (and do) contain violence, coarse language, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, disobeying direct orders, conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman and abuse of barnyard animals. Do not proceed if you are under the age of 13 years, easily offended, of delicate disposition or answer to the name Sean Bean. The following fictions are creative and alternative fan fictions and are collected here purely for fun and entertainment. The fictions are not intended to infringe upon copyrighted material.

Will you please take the time to 'sign' the Guest Book?

For Antonia Dispatches - Birdwatching Colonel Windham Comes to Call
Harper's Egypt Mother's Arms Sharpe's Book
Sharpe's Curse Sharpe's Gator That Is All India
Sharpe's Knee Sharpe's Leopard Sharpe's Nerve
Sharpe's Pits Quartermaster's Prerogative Sharpe's Rifle
Sharpe's Sacrifice Sharpe's Tea Transfer to the Rifles
Sharpe's Words Sharpe's Family - 10 Chapters Available. Sharpe's Trek - 5 Chapters Available.
Sharpe's Island - 5 Chapters Available. Sharpe's Choice - Coming in 2025. 5 Chapters Available. Sharpe's Ordeal - Coming in 2025.
Sharpe's Mission Sharpe's Justice Sharpe's Challenge - Coming in 2026.
Sharpe's Peril - Coming in 2026. Sharpe's Banquet - 5 Chapters Available.

Many of these fictions were reposted here from the Sharpetorium website. It was done with the honest intent of preserving these jewels of prose for posterity when the pages at the Sharpetorium were no longer straightforward accessible and the site had not been updated since 2003. A bit of digging and rooting about finally allowed them to be salvaged. A search was made to discover contacts for the authors with little success. The author notes are therefore included with the stories and the copyrights are the property of the authors, as they rightfully should be. Some of these fictions were received from private individuals who had saved them from the Sharpetorium simply because they liked them. They were subsequently submitted for inclusion here on Sharpe Tales.

Should anyone know any of these authors or if they are the authors, please contact us here at Sharpe Tales. We certainly don't want to keep them posted here if any of the authors object. Alternatively, we want to ensure proper crediting should they not object to them residing here in the Sharpe Tales Fan Fiction Library.