Disclaimer: These are works of fan-fiction created for entertainment. It is not the intention of the author to infringe on anyone's copyright. No rights infringement intended.
Warning: General Audience

The Sharpe Fan Fictions of Paul K.

Bernard Cornwell’s


Richard Sharpe and the Battle of the Nive

Screenplay Written by Eoghan Harris and Bernard Cornwell.
Novel Adapted by Paul Kaster


1813 November

Chapter 13

The trek back to Saint-Pee-sur-Nivelle took the Sharpe and Prince of Wales Own survivors more than a day. Often they would have to go to ground to avoid French patrols. Blowing the fort angered the French unit commanders west of Anglet. Hagman and Angel often were in front of the rest of the men to scout paths through the woods that could be used for them to move without being seen or heard. Two times, they had to wait in cover until French units passed to be able to cross roads. They had reached the British pickets last night, but Sharpe decided to rest them as soon as they reached safety.

Sharpe, Nairn, Zara and Pycroft had found rooms in a small farm house that the picket officers’ were using.

Sharpe wakes when he hears Harper outside talking to the guards.

“Good morning Pat. How is your shoulder?”

“It is sore and stiff, but Dan used his best medicine on me. The bullet went clean through.”

“I am ready to get back camp.”

“Let’s get the men up and ready to go.”

“Richardson has them ready.”

“Ten minutes. We will go.”

“Yes, sir.”

Sharpe goes inside. “General Nairn, will you join us?”

“Sharpe, Pycroft and I will ride back to camp. We will join you there after you return.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Sharpe leaves to find Richardson.

As Pat had said, the men are ready to march.

“Good morning, Richardson. Let’s go. We should be home within an hour.”

Now that they are in friendly territory, they can march openly on the roads. An hour after they start, they enter Saint-Pee-sur-Nivelle.

As they march into camp, many of the women run to greet their men. Sharpe looks to the window of his residence.

Jane had been warned by Harris that Richard was returning. Isabella had helped her to dress in her finest and to make her face so that she would be as beautiful as she could be for Richard. Now that he is here, she is waiting in the window to see him.

Richard sees her framed in the window. When their eyes connect, Jane smiles broadly to him.

Sharpe gives her a small wave as he returns her smile.

Harper has been walking with him. “Now there is a smile to warm a cold day.”

“Yes Pat, it is. Will you send one of the lads to tell my wife that I will join her as soon as I finish my reports.”

“Be happy to, sir.”

Harris had been waiting in the warmth of the building after he reported to Jane. When the Prince of Wales Own passes, he comes from the building to rejoin the others. He turns back to see Jane, before he jogs to meet Sharpe.

“Anything to report, Rifleman ‘arris?”

Harris turns to him. “Nothing serious, sir. Small skirmish. He went off with his tail between his legs.” Sharpe looks at Harris.

Sharpe summons Private Clayton to bring the court martial documents to him.

“’arris, we have proof that Sergeant Pope killed the gypsies. We will give this to the provost martial.”

“You may end your duty. Return to your unit, ‘arris.” Sharpe nods to him.

Harris grins and salutes Sharpe. “YES, sir!”

He turns and goes to join Hagman and Harper who stand nearby. Harris offers Harper a flask of brandy.

“Welcome back.”

“To your freedom, ‘arris.”

After Harper drinks several gulps, he hands it to Hagman, who also drinks liberally.

“To your freedom.”

Harper looks to the tents to find Isabella. When he doesn’t find her, he leaves Hagman and Harris to go to find Isabella.

Isabella sits on a stool outside their tent. When she sees Patrick, she stands awkwardly and slowly. Harper hugs her around he large belly. She touches his wounded shoulder and looks at him.

“How did you get this?”

“Tis’ only a French bee sting.”

And Sergeant Pope?”

Harper answers her by holding her necklace between them to return it to her.

“Is he dead Patrick?”

“He’ll never lay a hand on you again. EVER.”

Isabella looks at the necklace, kisses Harper lightly on the cheek. She turns around.

“Will you help me Patrick?”

Harper fastens the necklace around her neck.

Isabella turns again so that she may kiss Patrick.

“How are you and the baby?”

“Mrs. Sharpe helped me to see the doctor. He says that the baby and I appear to be healthy. He says that the baby can come any day.”

The weather was cold and gray the day they returned.

“Welcome back Major Sharpe.” Hogan welcomes Sharpe back to Wellington’s tent.

“Gentlemen, thank you for returning to us safely.” He leads all of them to a map table and points.

“Blowing the powder magazine and fort hopefully sent a message to Soult that we intend to hit his right flank. He has two of his corps here.” He points to the west bank area south of Bayonne. “Hope can reinforce the idea that we will attack along the coast with a secure flank along the Nive. This will be a frontal assault against the six divisions of both Reille’s and Clausel’s corps.

“While you were swanning about up north, Major Hogan has confirmed that D’Erlon has only four divisions on the east bank of the Nive.” Hogan smiles at Sharpe and winks. “While Hope holds their attention, we can throw Hill’s 2nd and Portuguese, Morillo’s Spanish and Beresford’s 6th and 3rd Divisions across the Nive at two places to drive D’Erlon back on Bayonne. Morillo will sweep east to guard the right flank. Alten’s Light Division will protect Hope’s right flank and command the center between Hope and the Nive and protect Hill’s left flank.

“I’m assigning the Prince of Wales’ Own to Colburne’s Brigade with the Portuguese in the Light Division. You may know that your old regiment, the 2/95, is with Colburne. I am not telling you to return your Rifles to them, but you may want to ask them if they want to return. At some point they will need to return to the 95th.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ll report to Colburne presently. As to the Rifles, I’ll ask them what they want to do.

“Very well. That will be all, Sharpe.”

“By your leave.” Sharpe nods to Wellington, Nairn and Hogan and exits the tent.”

Wellington, Nairn and Hogan follow Sharpe from the tent but turn in the opposite direction. As they walk, they pass Pycroft.

“Good morning Pycroft.”

Pycroft tips his hat in salute.

The trio continue to walk on.

“Any problems with the explosives this time Nairn?”

“No, sir.”

“Horse Guards will need to know about Colonel Brand, sir.”

“Tell them he died a heroes death. And, let’s get on with the war.” Wellington turns to return to his tent.

“As you say, my Lord.”

Isabella and Patrick ate their dinner together. Isabella is not able to eat much.

“My lass, are you not hungry?”

“Patrick, my stomach hurts so much.” She holds her abdomen.

“Perhaps we should lie down. It may help.”

“Yes, perhaps. Let’s sleep.”

They tried to sleep. Two hours before midnight, Isabella wakes with to severe pains.

“Patrick, oh.”

“What is it?”

“The baby. It is time.”

“Go, get Sally. I need her to help me.”

“Sally, yes.”

Harper pulls his clothes on then dashes out to find Sally.

When he returns with Sally, Isabella is curled up on her side.

Sally greets her. “Ah, Mrs. ‘arper. Your baby is ready to join us.”

Sally lays out some cloths on the cot. Then she moves Isabella so that she may examine Isabella’s belly.

“Yes, this baby will come soon.”

Shortly after midnight, Isabella gives birth.

“Mrs ‘arper, you have a son.”

Outside, Patrick hear’s the baby cry. He sticks his head into the tent.

“Sergeant ‘arper. ‘ere’s your son.” Sally holds the baby so that he may see his son.

“My son.”

To Isabella, “We have a son.”

“Yes, Patrick, we have a son.”

Patrick takes the bundle from Sally. “Richard Harper. Welcome.”

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